Non-Alcoholic Beer for Hair: Everything You Should Know

Does the idea of using non-alcoholic beer for hair sound strange to you?

Trust me, you are far from being alone.

I was also surprised when I first learned that beer can be used for hair. I almost immediately debunked it as a rumor.

I know better now though. And by the end of this article, you would too.

This article will examine the facts behind using non-alcoholic beer for hair, explain steps to safely use beer for your hair if you choose to, and answer some frequently asked questions about using beer for hair.

Let’s start with why you might want to consider using this seemingly strange ingredient in the world of hair.

Non-alcoholic beer for hair velacurls
Image Credit: Replubica on Pixabay

Why Non-Alcoholic Beer for Hair?

First, I think it is necessary to clearly define what ‘non-alcoholic beer’ is: Beer with very little (less than 0.5%) or no alcoholic content. A common example of nonalcoholic beer in my location is Heineken.

To make any sense out of the concept of using beer for hair, we’d have to consider the key ingredients contained in beer.

1. Malt and Hops

Malt and hops are both rich sources of protein. And we all know just how important protein is to the hair; hair itself is made of protein. Proteins are necessary for strengthening the hair shaft and repairing any present damage.

2. Yeast

Beer contains yeast, which is a rich source of vitamins, potassium, and iron, among others. These are ingredients are necessary for enriching the hair.

3. Water

A large part of beer’s composition is water (about 90%). And what does water do to hair? Countless benefits.

4. Barley

In most cases, barley is used in producing beer although other grains could be used. Malted barley produces maltose and sucrose which adds shine to hair.

Why is it important to choose a nonalcoholic beer? This is because alcohol can dry out hair, causing breakage or damage.

So if you are going to use beer for your hair, it’d better be a nonalcoholic one.

Benefits of Non-Alcoholic Beer for Hair

The following are the benefits of using nonalcoholic beer for hair:

1. Hydration

As mentioned earlier, beer consists mainly of water. This explains its ability to leave the hair hydrated and moisturized.

Reviews from those who have tried beer on their hair reveal that it left their hair feeling hydrated.

2. Adds Shine to Hair

Using a beer rinse for your hair will make it shiner. This is all thanks to the sucrose and maltose sugars, vitamin B, and antioxidants present in beer.

If you feel your hair needs some luster boost, a beer rinse could be just what it needs.

3. Cares for Hair Ends

Lifeless, dry, split ends can be cared for using nonalcoholic beer for hair. Since beer hydrates the hair, it leaves the hair ends hydrated, preventing further breakage or split.

4. Adds Volume

Those who have tried nonalcoholic beer for hair have noticed a significant boost in their hair’s volume, even before it dried.

That makes sense since beer contains silica, a nutrient known for adding volume and thickness to hair.

If you have thin hair, you’re at risk of frequent hair loss and tangles. A beer rinse can do the risk of giving your hair some body and volume.

5. Facilities Hair Growth

Beer can be said to improve hair growth because it contains minerals and vitamins that help to increase blood flow in the scalp. This creates an environment that encourages healthy hair growth.

6. Remedy for Hair Damage

Proteins are essential for strengthening the hair and repairing any damage. Malt and hops, two important ingredients in beer, are rich in protein.

Hence, using nonalcoholic beer for hair will overtime strengthen the hair and cure damage.

7. Balances Hair pH

Beer has a pH level between 4.0-5.0 while that of hair is between 4.5 and 5.5. Because hair and beer have such a slightly close pH, using nonalcoholic beer for hair will help to balance your hair’s pH, ensuring that it is neither too dry nor too oily.

8. Color Change

Beer can also be beneficial for achieving slight alterations in the hair’s color; instead of having to go through chemical processes.

The color change caused by beer is especially obvious in blonde and light brown hair.

How to Use Nonalcoholic Beer for Hair

Surprisingly, or maybe not, using beer for hair is an easy process. This step-by-step explanation will guide you on how to use only nonalcoholic beer for hair. Afterward, we’ll see other hair mask options to use beer for hair.

Non-alcoholic beer for hair velacurls
Image Credit: Lernestorod on Pixabay

First step: Expose beer to air

This step, otherwise known as beer decarbonization, will help to ensure that the beer becomes flat, preventing it from drying out your hair as it would if used immediately.

Exposing the beer to air removes its carbon dioxide content, which if present, will make your hair hard and tangled when you’re done washing.

So to prevent this, flatten your beer. Pour it out in a bowl and leave for hours, preferably overnight. Once that time has elapsed, you can move on to the next step.

Second step: Wash hair

Yup, wash your hair using your regular shampoo to ensure that it’s clean.

When you’re done, thoroughly rinse out the shampoo with clean water.

Third step: Apply nonalcoholic beer

Now you can grab your bowl (or cup) of decarbonated beer and pour it on your hair.

You might be needing more than a bottle of beer if your hair is thick because you want to ensure that your hair is soaked in beer. Massage your hair as you gradually pour the beer.

Tip: To especially benefit your hair ends, dip your hair ends in the beer bowl for a few minutes first before pouring it on your entire hair.

Fourth step: Wait for five minutes

This brief wait will help the beer sink in your hair. You should take this time to comb your hair using a wide-toothed comb.

Fifth step: Rinse hair

Using warm water first, rinse out beer from your hair. Then rinse again with cold water.

Using cold water to rinse helps to seal in nutrients after any hair nourishing process.

Sixth step: Apply conditioner

This step is optional because the beer you used has acted as a conditioner for your hair. You may still apply your regular conditioner though if you’d want to leave the scent (of your conditioner) in your hair.

Other Non-Alcoholic Beer Hair Masks

For added benefits, there are several DIY beer hair masks you can try for your hair. These hair masks will give you the combined benefits of beer and that of the ingredients added.

Beer and ACV Hair Mask

Apple cider vinegar is known for making the hair smoother and moisturized, hence, an excellent ingredient for this mask.

You can also add essential oils to this mix to provide added nutrients and improve your hair’s scent. Examples of essential oils include grapefruit oil, almond oil, lemon oil, and lavender oil.

  1. Expose beer to air
  2. Put a few drops of any essential oil of your choice in your bowl of flat beer
  3. Add few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix
  4. Shampoo your hair
  5. Apply the prepared beer mask and rinse as described earlier.

Beer and Onion Hair Mask

Onions are rich in sulfur, hence, they help to promote thick and strong hair. They are also rich in nutrients that contribute to healthy hair growth.

This wonderful ingredient can be added to your beer hair mask.

  1. Blend 1 average-sized onion to make it a juice
  2. Add one cup of beer and one tablespoon of coconut oil
  3. Mix thoroughly and apply the mixture
  4. The mixture should look somewhat thick. Apply it first to your scalp, then your hair. Wait till the mask dries on your hair
  5. Rinse with clean water and then shampoo your hair
  6. Shampooing after using the mask will increase your chances of eradicating the onion smell that many do not like.

Beer and Egg Hair Mask

Eggs are rich in protein and so is beer. This hair mask will leave your hair strengthened. If you are fighting hair breakage, this hair mask is one you should consider. It will give you stronger, fuller hair.

  1. Separate egg white from the yolk
  2. Whisk the egg yolk together with one cup of beer
  3. Apply little water to your hair to make it damp
  4. Apply the mix to your hair
  5. Afterward, put on a shower cap for about 20 minutes to let the mask sink into your hair.
  6. Wash off the mask with a gentle shampoo

Beer and Strawberry Hair Mask

Not only is strawberry nice to the palate, but it also makes a great ingredient in hair. It contains vitamin C, copper, and omega 3 fatty acid, enabling it to enrich hair and remove excess oil from the scalp. You can add this great ingredient to your beer mask following this guide.

  1. Add three mashed strawberries to one cup of flat beer and stir such that it forms a paste
  2. Massage this paste on your hair and scalp
  3. Leave it on your hair for about 25 minutes and then wash with a gentle shampoo

Beer and Jojoba Oil Hair Mask

Jojoba oil provides necessary nutrients to hair such as zinc, B vitamins, vitamin C, and copper. These nutrients strengthen the hair, making it less prone to breakage and loss.

  1. Add one teaspoon of jojoba oil to one cup of flat beer
  2. Shampoo your hair
  3. Apply the mix to your hair and let it act as a conditioner
  4. After rinsing off shampoo, as usual, apply beer and jojoba oil and leave it on your hair for about five minutes. Then rinse it off with clean water.

Beer and Honey Hair Mask

Honey has always been a wonderful ingredient for hair. Its emollient properties make it capable of smoothening and adding luster to hair. Its humectant properties explain its ability to effectively moisturize the hair. Honey leaves the hair hydrated and shiny.

  1. Mix one tablespoon of honey and one egg yolk. Add this mix to one cup of beer
  2. Apply to hair and put on a shower cap for few minutes.
  3. Wash out hair mask with a little amount of shampoo

Beer and Banana Hair Mask

Banana is another ingredient you can add to beer for hair. Rich in potassium, it helps to maintain hair elasticity. Its other nutrients make it effective for making the hair soft, moisturized, and strong.

  1. Blend one banana, one egg yolk, and one cup of beer.
  2. Apply this mixture to your hair and cover with a shower cap for few minutes
  3. Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo

Beer and Avocado Hair Mask

For this mix, you need not avocado itself but avocado oil. This oil is excellent for hydrating the hair and preventing breakage. It is also great for detangling when used on its own. Because it contains biotin, it encourages healthy, long hair.

  1. Add one teaspoon of avocado oil to a half cup of beer. You may also add one egg yolk to it.
  2. Apply to hair for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and conditioner

Beer and Gelatin Hair Mask

Gelatin is an ingredient derived from collagen found in animal skin, ligaments, or other parts. Read more here on gelatin.

It is good for hair because of its richness in protein and ability to moisturize the hair. It also helps to improve hair elasticity and growth.

  1. Add one tablespoon of gelatin to one cup of beer.
  2. Leave this mixture for about 25 minutes. Then, add one tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Apply little water to your hair to make it damp.
  4. Apply the mixture to your hair
  5. Steam your hair using either the hot towel method or the dryer method.
  6. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo

Frequently Asked Questions about Non-Alcoholic Beer for Hair

How often should I use nonalcoholic beer for my hair?

Once a week is okay. Beer can cause your hair to dry out if used too often.

How fast will I start seeing effects?

You may have to use nonalcoholic beer for hair a few more times to see results. A one-time wash might not bring all the benefits mentioned above.

Can beer make my hair natural?

No. While beer may make your hair look thicker, it does not give you an instant transition from relaxed to natural hair.

A relaxer ‘relaxes’ your hair by breaking down its disulfide bonds and beer will not reconstruct those bonds, lol.

The idea that a beer rinse is one way to make the hair natural is one of these myths about transitioning from relaxed to natural hair.

Will my hair get smelly if I use beer?

Surprisingly, no. Once your hair is dry, you do not have to worry about smelling like beer wherever you go.

When should I avoid nonalcoholic beer for hair?

If you are undergoing skin treatments, you should not use beer for hair as this might aggravate skin rashes and cause irritation.

Should I shampoo before or after a beer rinse?

You should shampoo before applying beer to your hair. Shampooing after will make you wash away all the beer from your hair, preventing a full effect.

Which beer is best for hair growth?

Non-alcoholic beer. It will provide all the benefits of beer for hair while helping you avoid the negative effects that alcohol can have on hair. Mixing it with essential oils will increase its chances of working for your hair growth.

Does putting beer in my hair make it grow?

Beer will give your hair a volume boost, adding to its body and bounce. It will also strengthen your existing hair stands but there is no evidence to suggest that it will cause new hair growth.

Final Words

As we have seen, beer does not always have to be only at clubs, bars, or your wine store at home. It is, surprisingly, an excellent hair ingredient.

Do not forget how important it is to expose it to air for hours before using it for your hair. Following the guidelines above, you can be sure to enjoy the many benefits of non-alcoholic beer for hair.

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