Do you want to build your website’s authority and traffic through quality, SEO-optimized content that keeps readers glued? Hit me up to get started!

You’ll find my interest in hair care written all over this blog

But that’s not all I’m about

In fact, my blog, Velacurls, is a fusion of two things I love: Hair and Content Writing.

So, let’s talk about the latter! 

Aside from writing for my blog, I offer content writing services to other website owners. 

With over five years of quality experience, I can help you build your website’s authority by providing proficient blog posts and articles carefully suited to your niche. 

Worried if I’ll really fit in your niche?

Well, I’ve written for websites in various niches like jewellery, organization and productivity, and water treatment.

These niches are not quite related, but  I’ve mastered the art of adjusting my writing tune to suit my target audience

You can find my content writing samples here. 

I believe that writing should be made appealing and interesting while being precise and accurate. 

So I take my time to do quality research, confirming every detail and familiarizing myself with new topics before writing. 

That means even if your niche is completely new to me, you have nothing to worry about. 

I understand that there’s so much to read on the web, and there are always competitors who can steal a reader’s attention at any second. 

So I strive to make my write-ups clear, concise, and, most importantly, absorbing

If you’ve read up to this point, I think I’m doing pretty well!

And that’s not all.

I’ve learned SEO (Search Engine Optimization) from both courses and experience, so I know the tricks to help your content rank easily on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

Perhaps you even found my blog while searching on Google! 

If you are a website owner who would love to reach a wider audience through SEO, I would love to provide you with search engine-optimized articles that also suit your readers’ needs.

So, what do you get when we work together?

  • Well-researched and reader-tailored content 
  • Clear, concise, and absorbing write-ups
  • SEO-optimized content 

Want to build authority for your website through quality content that keeps readers glued? 

Contact me now and let’s get started!

Alternatively, send me an email at