Hi there!
I’m glad you came to check out this page.
Lovelt is the face behind Velacurls, a student and writer who works part-time as a hairstylist.
You see, I’ve always had a keen interest in hair, an interest that moved me to learn hairstyling as early as I could.
Over time, however, I realized that hair love isn’t just about styling the hair to look beautiful (In fact, that’s just an aspect!)
On a grander scale, it involves conscious and motivated effort to keep the hair healthy.
Velacurls is the ‘store’ for my hair gems derived from personal hair experience, customer hair care, and careful, adept research.
It is my ultimate hope that these ensure and improve your healthy hair journey; whether relaxed, texlaxed, or natural!
Here’s a sneak peek into what you can expect to find on Velacurls!
Hair Care Articles
Articles in this section will be aimed towards providing practical tips for taking care of your hair, controlling unfavorable hair conditions, and rocking hairstyles even better.
As females, these are things we constantly care about.
You can be sure to find satisfying, simple yet effective tips to feed your quest!
DIY Articles
To maintain or restore your hair’s health, you sure need to make it undergo certain processes.
These processes are crucial! Because one invalid step might set yourself for disaster!
Velacurls does not want that for your hair!
Therefore, here, you’ll find hair processes presented in the most understandable way so you can Do It Yourself.
Reading and implementing these steps will be a major stepping stone in your healthy hair journey!
Hair Products Articles
We all want to ensure that the best products are going into our hair.
I want that too!
In this section, you’ll be reading articles on various hair products, mostly natural, that your hair can benefit from.
Once again, you can be sure to find them succinct, but comprehensively covered.
Enjoy surfing Velacurls!
Lots of love and hair (winks).